Archive for the Sex Category

UGs and Pornography

Posted in Sex with tags on April 8, 2008 by alphasperm

For an off the wall post on pickup and pornography click here. On a more serious note, however, how we consume pornography is very relevant to pickup. Some guys are setting their standards too high when they haven’t been with that many women to begin with. What’s interesting is I think porn offers us perspective on UGs. If you’re only willing to approach hot women then ask yourself if you’ve ever got off to a 5 while watching porn. Do you only limit yourself to pornography that contains 9’s and 10’s? Probably not. I suspect the women that men are most attracted to in pornography are similar to the women they are most attracted to in real life.

Indicator of Fuck (IOF)

Posted in Sex with tags on February 1, 2008 by alphasperm

We’re all familiar with indicators of interest but it’s time to introduce the concept of IOF. IOF simply means the girl wants to sleep with you. If you’re a M3 person you might think these occur toward the end of the comfort phase (C3). Wrong. Women throw IOFs all the time. They throw them before you even say a word to them. The second a woman shows interest you should interpret it as her wanting to fuck you, period.

You see, the term IOI is actually too weak. They aren’t telling you that they’re “interested” but are communicating that they want you in the bedroom as soon as possible. From an inner game perspective you need to start reframing IOIs as IOFs instead. This is an example of where common terminology used in the community can actually subconsciously hamper your game because the language you use can affect how you see the world.