PUA Video Game

Posted in Community on September 15, 2008 by alphasperm

We’ve had books, reality shows and a possible movie so how about a video game? I’m not sure how it would work or if it could even be implemented at all but its an off the wall idea for thought. Take some popular PUAs like Mystery & Style and put them in there along with the ability to design your own character and we have a start.  It would be a great marketing tool but for all practical purposes I think the idea is simply too narrow of a concept for a game.

The Soccer Field

Posted in Inner Game on July 24, 2008 by alphasperm

A lot of people talk about inner game and outer game as if they are separate entities but the two are connected. Imagine a soccer field where one goal represents inner game and the other goal represents outer game. Your game will make the most progress when the soccer ball is kicked back and forth from one goal to the other. Having the ball kicked around in the mid-field won’t do anything. Instead you must score goals in the inner game as well as the outer game. The two feed off each other and are synergistic.

The same analogy of the soccer field can be used to understand the relationship between material and outer game. Material is at one end and the sets you’ve done are another. The best way to get better is to kick the soccer ball back and forth between the two. If you’re only scoring goals in material then you’re not going to get anywhere. Likewise if you only score goals by going out and socializing you will improve your social skills but will have less of an understanding of the theory behind what you’re doing. Instead you must kick the soccer ball in the outer game goal and then have your team drive it back to the material goal. If you happen to score 5 straight goals in material you must counter that by scoring five straight goals in the outer game. Basically what I’m trying to say her is that you don’t want one team to blow out the other. You don’t want to become the Patriots! We want some balance, or a tie between the teams.

Ideally we want a high scoring tie but in the long run its best to lighten up on the material and focus on being in the field. When people first find the community they consume everything they can get their hands on. The ratio of material/sets is high in the introductory phase to the community. The next phase is growth and this is when the ratio of material to sets should be about even. This is where people will make the most strides in their game. Finally people reach the point where most of their time is spent in-field and relatively little time is spent consuming material. Eventually the vast majority of material becomes highly redundant but new gems can still be found by creative PUAs.

Phases of Growth

Posted in Inner Game on July 20, 2008 by alphasperm

If you dedicate time, study and practice to “pickup” you’re going to get better and better. However, personal growth when it comes to seduction moves at an entirely different rate than many other things in life. As an analogy seduction is often compared to sports. However, our improvement at playing sports grows at a fairly linear rate while our pickup skills grow in a much more cyclical fashion. When in comes to seduction sometimes we make huge leaps in short amounts of time.

The reason for this is because developing social skills is much more complex than learning to, say, hit a tennis ball. For one, inner game is much more important for pickup compared to athletics. Sports are dominantly an outer game activity and while confidence and inner game are important for them too on the whole it is a much more mechanical activity. The general principle is that the more mechanical an activity the more linear the process of getting better at it.

In addition, each individual has their own unique growth rate when learning a new activity. Not only is growth at mechanical activities more linear but the variability of the growth rate is less from person to person. When it comes to pickup usually what happens is that your skills seems to flatten out and then poof you make a huge jump in a short period of time. You do learn little things every time you go out but on the whole growth is stepwise. More specifically, inner game rises in a cyclical manner while outer game grows in a more linear manner.

Inner game growth is very similar to personal growth and maturity as a whole. People grow in cycles and its usually the result of new experiences in life. When major changes happen and people are exposed to something new thats when much of the growth occurs. And, just when you think your inner game couldn’t get any better you make yet another leap. The process never ends and thats one of the exciting things about life. However, inner game growth alone isn’t going to make one a great seducer. It is only when combined with outer game that you are going to see results.

Climbing the Self-Employment Ladder

Posted in Business on July 16, 2008 by alphasperm

We’re all familiar with the corporate ladder but we should also keep in mind the self-employment ladder. Like the corporate ladder we can improve our position and gradually rise to better occupations. Unlike the corporate ladder we’re not dealing with a bureaucracy and don’t need to network with people within a specific organization. Climbing the corporate ladder involves establishing close ties within an organization while the self-employment ladder involves the strength of weak ties outside of your business.

Imagine two mountains, one being the self-employment ladder and the other being the corporate ladder. We may climb one or the other or we may “zig zag” to the top of one. Within the corporate ladder we may climb the ladder with just one organization or we may bounce from one company to the other while constantly seeking a better position. By keeping this picture in mind it allows use to open up our options for employment as well as possible roads to take. Becoming self-employed is an accomplishment in itself but we shouldn’t stop there. We can always imagine our business earning more profit or picture ourselves in an entirely different business altogether. Most people that start small businesses ultimately “fail” but at the very least they will learn from the experience. They may climb up the ladder but then fall off the ladder. Then they might do it all over again and succeed in their 2nd, 3rd or 4th try. Climbing the self-employment ladder has a “yo-yo” effect while the corporate ladder is more linear.

If we want to be self-employed we have to start somewhere and sometimes this involves being at the bottom. Robert Kiyosaki classifies people into four camps: employees, self-employed, business owners and investors. Lets take the latter three and lump them into the self-employment ladder. In this case the self-employed would be at the bottom, followed by the business owners and the investors at the top. Kiyosaki talks a lot about how important it is to be at the right side of the cashflow quandrant but there is still value in being in the self-employment category. Most people don’t become business owners right away and do so as a result of climbing the self-employment ladder.

Power, Courtship and Relationship Management

Posted in Dating on July 14, 2008 by alphasperm

Brent of absolutepowerdating.com is perhaps the most well known for discussing the concept of power as applied to dating. He says that the person who has the power in the relationship ends up being the most happy. It doesn’t matter if you don’t exert much power in your dating lives as long as you have the edge, that is, have at least slightly more power than the other.

As an experiment imagine two tennis balls apart from each other and horizontal. The tennis balls represent a male and a female in the courtship process. When one tennis ball moves closer to the other it represents one party pursuing the other.

I first heard about the tennis ball analogy while listening to a talk by Wayne Elise (Juggler). The talk wasn’t about power theory but I quickly realized how the concept and analogy of the tennis ball could be extended to include it. Wayne’s talk was about how the goal of a courtship is to have both balls moving towards each other.

Traditionally and stereotypically the male tennis ball was moving towards the female tennis ball in an attempt to wine and dine her. David D then came along with the “solution” of cocky/funny but what that did was distant the male tennis ball. In other words, the ball moved backwards instead of forward and was trying to get the female to chase the guy. Having the female chase the guy might be an improvement over the traditional model but ideally both parties should be pursuing each other. That is the foundation for a successful courtship process.

The tennis ball analogy can now be supplemented by incorporating power theory into it. Both balls should be moving toward each other but ideally the female ball should move slightly more than the male ball. That is, both the male and the female should be moving towards each other but the female should be making slightly larger steps than the male.

Power theory can be applied in many different ways. For example when it comes to text messaging there should be a fairly equal exchange of text messages. You don’t want to be the one sending a lot of texts to her with little reciprocation and vice versa. If you send a lot of texts w/o receiving anything in return its basically the same as trying to wine and dine her. At the same time, however, its just as bad if you receive texts from her w/o replying because if you’re interested in her you want to appear attainable. Attainability is a concept in the VAC model (value, attainability and compliance).

To maintain the edge in the text exchange you want to make it seem like she is slightly more invested in the exchange than you. Variables in text messaging include the separation in time between text messages, the number of text messages and the amount of interest that is shown in each text. Generally speaking you want to try and mirror the separation, number and interest while simultaneously letting her text you back quicker, send more texts and also show showing you more interest than you show her.

Power theory can be applied in many different ways and in all aspects of life. Just keep the basic tennis ball analogy in mind and take it from there.

Archetypes of Sexuality

Posted in Fashion with tags on April 10, 2008 by alphasperm

The following is an excerpt from Hobo Stripper, an interesting blog I recently found:

A big part of it, though, is finding a sexy archetype or image, and tapping into it. You wanna really hit a big turn-on in the morphogenic field. It can be that muscular wild cave woman image, or it can be a sultry dark beauty, or it can be high glam, or it can be barbie, or… well, anything. But whatever it is, it should be a natural element of your personality, and you should project the hell out of it with your image.

When projecting your image, think about the details: outfit, jewelry, make up, and the way you carry yourself. Beyond that, I don’t obsess.

This is very similar to Brad P’s concept of sexual stereotype. Thinking like a stripper can certainly help your game. I’ll be writing more on this topic in the future.

Confidence and Boldness

Posted in Inner Game on April 9, 2008 by alphasperm

Thing that I have a problem with is often I have boldness not confidence…It’s like, i’m so petrified by fear sometimes, that I just fucking push myself so I do the approach, I ask the girl to come home with me (apocalypse opener) or whatever. Thing is, once I get in a set, i’m so forced, my adrenaline is going so much, that it gives off a fucked up vibe.

Confidence and boldness are distinct attributes and sometimes people misinterpret boldness for confidence. I can relate to the quoted excerpt because some of it applied to me. The ultimate goal is to become confident and not necessarily bold. Confidence is an attribute of the person while boldness describes an action. Unfortuantely to achieve confidence some people create a path that requires them to be bold.

Charisma Arts has a concept called alpha nice. Alpha mean, however, would be a combination of boldness without confidence.

Regaining Masculine Confidence

Posted in Inner Game on April 9, 2008 by alphasperm

In some ways I had more masculine confidence before I found the seduction community. Financially I was very successful in 2006 and it conributed to my state of being and self-esteem. I also had a clear identity that was tied to my career. I found my local lair late in 2006 but in 2007 I took a hit financially. I’ve only recently began to understand the significance and how its affected my self-esteem and identity. I don’t have a strong identity like I did before and my overall masculine confidence is down. I used to take pride in having wads in my pocket like candy.

This isn’t about financial success or being rich but the presence I had from having a clear purpose. Sooner or later I will have an even more rewarding career than before but the period of transition has seen some negative effects. I just had a 6 hour phone conversation and one of things I realized is that I’ve lost much of the masculine confidence I had before.

While I’ve made incredible strides in my body language, fashion and pickup abilities I have simultaneously lost some of my masculine confidence. Since the start of 2007 my pickup confidence was increasing while my masculine confidence was decreasing. It has taken over a year later to clearly see what happened in the process.

Prior to going out sarging, however, the situation was reversed. My masculine confidence was up there but my pickup confdience was not. I had my best results in early 2007 and that’s when the two types of confidence began to “intersect.” Part of the reason I had success in field is there wasn’t a substantial gap between my masculine and pickup confidence. Regardless of direction if there is a large gap between the two then its going to hurt you. Close the gap and the results will come.

UGs and Pornography

Posted in Sex with tags on April 8, 2008 by alphasperm

For an off the wall post on pickup and pornography click here. On a more serious note, however, how we consume pornography is very relevant to pickup. Some guys are setting their standards too high when they haven’t been with that many women to begin with. What’s interesting is I think porn offers us perspective on UGs. If you’re only willing to approach hot women then ask yourself if you’ve ever got off to a 5 while watching porn. Do you only limit yourself to pornography that contains 9’s and 10’s? Probably not. I suspect the women that men are most attracted to in pornography are similar to the women they are most attracted to in real life.

The Secret Society of Sales

Posted in Business with tags on April 8, 2008 by alphasperm

There is a secret society out there that has been around for years. These guys have been using pickup lines long before the existence of the seduction community. Not only that but they share their strategies with each other too! In fact they don’t just discuss strategies over lunch but a small chunk of them conduct academic studies. They have a highly organized body of knowledge and they surely don’t want us to know their secrets, right?

So who are they? Well, it is the secret society of sales. Walk into a car dealership or retail establishment and what happens? They approach you with their opener. We are well aware of what they’re doing but does it really matter? The answer is no.

The same goes with women. Women know what you are trying to do but it doesn’t make any difference. Some people believe the seduction community is some underground secret and we can’t have women know about the community. Now I’m not advocating we tell women to read lairs and message boards (people in sales write “lay reports” too) but that’s about as naive as thinking consumers aren’t aware that salespeople can learn how to hone their skills as well. Heck, almost every university today has a business school.

The relationship between women and the seduction community is similar to consumers and business. The point being not to discuss the similarities but to open up your eyes and look at the seduction community in a more holistic fashion. Women and PUAs know about each other just like customers and salespeople.